Founder Dr. GA Gardner is a creative fine artist with a passion for expressing his cultural identity. Gartsy, his latest project, is intended to promote consciousness through art and lifestyle, spreading love and respect, equality, justice and inclusion. Grounded in a Black, cultural agenda, GA believes that art is a powerful force for representation and change. Gartsy brings to life these artistic and philosophical beliefs. and encourages you to live your truth and express yourself.
A former art professor, GA has dedicated his life to uplifting others. He created opportunities for students of color at the universities and art institutions where he served; advancing the areas of art and technology. He also founded a nonprofit organization, Thru Contemporary Arts THRUARTS, to collect and promote contemporary art and artists in developing countries; to give all an opportunity to experience contemporary fine art, often only shown in museums and galleries in developed countries. This he knew all too well growing up in his birthplace on the island of Trinidad and Tobago.
As a young artist, he had little opportunity to distribute his art, with no Internet or galleries, but he remained hopeful that he would pursue his dreams to connect with a wider international audience. He began working how he could, focusing on practical forms of art that could be placed on functional items rather than only on canvas. He did projects murals on storefront walls, painted signs, painted on clothing, and even graffiti - trying desperately to express himself through his art. Today, his artworks have been exhibited at museums and galleries internationally and are part of many private and public collections. GA’s lived experiences have prepared him to create this company.